

Global Organic Textile Standard

This is a standard that established to ensure consumer trust to organic products. Basically follows the production chain starting from raw material (the fields) to the sales shelf/rack. Each processor in this chain should be certified and also the flowing material/products should be accounted/balanced and tested. Started as a worldwide NGO, then formed as a commercial organization in Germany where still worldwide acts. Today standard has 5.0 level and also inspects companies in all aspects of fair trade and human rights etc; to ensure the trustable production chain.


GOTS is the most known organic product standard. As said above, not only the product but also production environment is continuously monitored by 3rd party governed bodies where accredited by GOTS headquarter.

Licence and Labelling

All certified companies are able to use GOT logo on the products where shows that item is produced within certified suppliers’ chain.


Growing fields, production companies and even selling points are inspected and certified by GOTS, through independent governed bodies. Each certificate owner at least once in a year (or more) check/evaluate by experts in place.

Public Database

There is a public database exist in the online platform, so any user can check the organic products status and their validity.

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